Episode 724

Episode 724
  • Orange mousse, cream, cocoa powder

    • Clean cup: (1–8): 6
    • Sweetness: (1–8): 6
    • Acidity: (1–8): 6
    • Mouthfeel: (1–8): 6.5
    • Flavour: (1–8): 6
    • Aftertaste: (1–8): 6.5
    • Balance: (1–8): 6.5
    • Overall: (1–8): 6.5
    • Correction: (+36): +36
    • Total: (max. 100): 86

    Roast Information
    Medium-dark - through the gap but before second gets going, and keep this reasonably quick to preserve the sweet creamy notes.

    Finca Limoncillo

    Finca Limoncillo is located in Matagalpa and, at 171 hectares in size, it. is. huge! Situated at an amazing location, it boasts nine waterfalls within the farm and is owned by the Mierisch family; They’re known for their experimental processing, varietal work, and exceptional coffee.


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