The Chemex Coffee Maker is a pour-over style brewer, with a non-porous glass flask shaped like an hourglass. The neck or handle of the body is wrapped with a polished wood collar and a leather tie. The Chemex is simple and stunning in design, so much so that it’s featured in The Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Chemex paper filters are 20-30% heavier than others, so they retain more of the suspended oils during the brewing process and keep back a lot of the finer grinds which tend to bring a bitter flavour into the drink.

Basic Recipe
Coffee: 30g - Medium Filter grind
Water: 500g, 94ºC
- Add 50g water to coffee and leave to bloom for 30 seconds
- After waiting 30 seconds, then add 200g water, add the remaining 250g in stages
- Stir, then remove filter when water has passed through (this should take 3.5-4.5 mins)
Step 1
Heat the kettle to 94ºC. Once heated rinse your folded filter paper over the carafe to warm it at the same time. Discard this water
Step 2
Place your Chemex on the scale with rinsed filter in place. Tare the scales and add 30g of freshly ground coffee (medium grind).
Step 3
Add your water in three stages. First, pour 50g of water to start the bloom and wait 30 seconds. Then add 200g of water, followed by steadily adding the remaining 250g of water moving the kettle of a circular motion.
Step 4
Stir to ensure all grounds are evenly submerged.Wait for all the liquid to draw down and then remove the filter.
Step 5
Pour, and enjoy.