Roasting a coffee changes the beans from green to brown - but just how brown? Different systems can be used to describe different levels of roast, from the beige of the lightest roasts through to the oily blackness of the darkest roasts.
Light - Just before the end of 1st Crack
Beans usually look uneven and small. Usually lighter in body and simpler sweetness, this lightest of roasts typically only suits especially floral coffees or ones where an experimental processing method has been used.
Medium - After 1st Crack ends (City Roast)
Beans look a little uneven, usually with some darker patches. Typically highlights fruit or simple sugar flavours. View our current medium roast coffees here.
Medium Dark - near the end of the gap before 2nd Crack (City+ Roast)
With a bit of time to develop, the beans look larger and more even. Flavour profile is usually balanced between fruitier and more chocolate flavours. View our current medium-dark roast coffees here.
Dark - At the start of second crack (Full City Roast)
Beans are smooth and typically lightly shiny. Typically highlights caramelised flavours more than fruity ones.
Dark - Just in to second (Full City+)
Our darkest roasts, more shiny, even coloured and usually (but not always) darker in appearance. Not many coffees need to be roasted this dark.
Darker than Ozone - Beyond a few seconds in to 2nd Crack (Vienna / Light French Roast / Full French Roast)
Dark, large, even beans with patches of oil on the surface. A generic “roasty” flavour will be noticeable and mask the unique flavours of that coffee. The darker it is, the stronger that roast flavour will be.