Ep. 743 Bolivia Sol De La Mañana Producers of Bolinda

Ep. 743 Bolivia Sol De La Mañana Producers of Bolinda
  • Plum, fig, brown sugar, milk chocolate

    • Clean cup (1–8): 6
    • Sweetness (1–8): 7
    • Acidity (1–8): 6
    • Mouthfeel (1–8): 6.5
    • Flavour (1–8): 6.5
    • Aftertaste (1–8): 6
    • Balance (1–8): 6.5
    • Overall (1–8): 6.5
    • Correction (+36): +36
    • Total: (max. 100): 87

    Roast Information
    Medium-dark - just through to the first pops of second as the roast finishes.

    Sol De La Mañana Producers of Bolinda

    The Bolinda colonia (small village) is located a short distance east of Caranavi, where the mill of our exporting partners Fincas Los Rodriguez are located.


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