Ep. 747 Bolivia Volcán del Tigre

Ep. 747 Bolivia Volcán del Tigre
  • Caramel, sultana, clementine, milk chocolate

    • Clean cup (1–8): 6
    • Sweetness (1–8): 7.5
    • Acidity (1–8): 6
    • Mouthfeel (1–8): 6.5
    • Flavour (1–8): 6.5
    • Aftertaste (1–8): 6
    • Balance (1–8): 7.5
    • Overall (1–8): 6.5
    • Correction (+36): +36
    • Total: (max. 100): 87.5

    Roasting Information
    Medium-dark - through first and let it develop in the gap, looking to finish just at the cusp of second crack with a few pops as you finish the roast, no more.

    Volcán del Tigre

    Gregorio is a full-time coffee farmer; he doesn't have any other businesses. His farm has twelve hectares in total, two of which he currently grows coffee on. Tigré is Spanish for tiger, but is used locally to mean Jaguars.


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