The Rodriguez family, who own Arcangel, planted their first farms in 2014. However, Pedro Rodriguez's history...
El Bosque means forest and it's exactly what the farm is, with dappled sunlight coming through...
The coffee for this lot came from a mix of Sol De La Mañana producers from...
The San Jose farm belongs to the Mierisch family, members of whom also own Escondida (slightly...
Don Carlos is another farm we work with from Agricafe in Bolivia. Named after Carlos Mariaca,...
Dr Brian Gakunga has had a long history with coffee. Having inherited the Kiriga Estate from...
Welcome back to Nicaragua's Limoncillo farm! This honey processed Caturra lot is a testament to the...
Pedro Flores’ farm is in the small colonia of Villa Rosario, a short drive east of...
Ana Sora is a private farm owned by second-generation coffee farmer Israel Degfa. He grew up...
This coffee blend comes from the Uchamachi Colonia's Sol De La Mañana producers, with significant contributions...